Saturday 27 May 2017

Survey Monkey

Our recent class we had a practical task and it was on Suverymonkey. Surveymonkey is an online survey and it is a development cloud-based software as a service company, founded in 1999 by Ryan Finley. SurveyMonkey provides free, customizable surveys, as well as a suite of paid back-end programs that include data analysis, sample selection, bias elimination, and data representation tools. In addition to providing free and paid plans for individual users, SurveyMonkey offers more large-scale enterprise options for companies interested in data analysis, brand management, and consumer-focused marketing.

Image result for what is survey monkey

I was very happy to hear about Surveymonkey because it came at the right time.
In our other module we are going to be doing an actual research project about the information behavours of subjects. As part of our data collection methods we are needing to create our very own survey. So I can now use SuerveyMonkey to help me set up questions that I can use for my assignment.
I think that's lovely.

In next week's class we will be looking at Google sites as part of our practical task. 

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